

Some of my past exes have been great.

Okay let me start that over.....

One of my exes is great.
Jon. He's like a brother to me. I still love him. Not nearly as much and not in a way that would ever be worrisome. Hes always been there when i needed him. Well, okay not really but when we do talk its rare, but it feels good to talk to him. Its not "I love you, and miss you Katie." Its "How are you? hows life treating you? Hows your boyfriend?" like he truly cares as well. He's never annoying with anything. He's always been a really close friend to me. And will always be.

Some guys on the other hand, aren't all that great.
Charlie never will talk to me again. Jake is annoying as fuhk and i could care less about him to be honest. And Chris and billy and man my list goes on. THEY'RE USELSS MOST OF THEM.

All in all. Exes aren't worth you're time.

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