Choking on your fear...


I fear that one day this will all end. THIS being you. But i'll keep holding onto hope. /end.

I'm in love. Floatingly in love....with a guy i cannot have. Its perfect and wonderful. If it didn't hurt so much that is. I've spent night after night after night crying over this and it wont stop. I've never been this way over any other guy before. So why now? Why does this guy have to be different? its been a year and a half that ive known him. and NOW it hurts to love him....WHY!?
And as i lay here looking at the light up stars on my ceiling, i wish over and over that i could just hear his voice. Just once. a simple hi. or babe....or something.
But for now i'll continue to just cry myself to sleep...

As for my weekend. The 4th was good. Hung out at our friends for a small get together. On his balcony you can see the WHOLE valley so we saw works all over the place. It was nice. Minus all the junebugs ><

And ive been playing Aion again. Its my escape. I like to jsut ignore my phone for hours and play with my legion. its nice.

blah short post. i'll write in a day or two. night.

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